i have a little rant up my sleeve. However, let me start by saying that I FUCKING love my Xbox 360. I never thought that all my entertainment needs could ever be met by a single machine, and Xbox continues to impress me daily.
(Side note to PS3 fanboys. The PS3 is a very lovely machine, but I do not own one, and cannot fairly compare the two consoles. If you want to leave a comment about how much better the PS3 is from the Xbox 360, by all means do so; be aware, however, that I will close my eyes and try to kill you really hard with my mind.)
ANYWAY, back on topic.
As much as I love my Xbox, some little things piss me off from time to time. Little things that shouldn't make me mad, but, hell, I'm one to sweat the small stuff.
Some of you may be aware of Xbox Arcade's Game Room, a fairly new release that features old school video games like Pitfall, originally on the Atari 2600. It's a wonderful idea, something that Nintendo has been building on as well for a while. Nostalgia is a very powerful marketing tool.
The download is free, but you can't do much with the free download. No big surprises here, nothing is ever FREE free. The prices are a bit expensive for games with only 8 colors, but I'm not complaining about that either. If people think it's worth paying that much, go for it. My purpose for downloading this feature was just to explore a bit. Is it really worth it, my time, effort, and money?
The idea is not bad, but here is my main gripe about Game Room...
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I don't mind easy achievements, but this is unforgivable. Not because it was easy, but because I can no longer delete the shitty thing from my game list. I was never planning to commit anyway, I just wanted to see what it was!
A little exposition for non Xbox players: If you play a game, it shows up in your game library/ achievement list. As long as no achievements were earned, you can delete that game from your record. Once that window pops up, however, its too late. Your game archive is eternally branded.
Now there is a conundrum. I have a well-compiled list of games that I like to share, and brag about, to my closest buds. But because of the start button achievement, this GROTESQUE OOZING PUS BAG SCAR is spoiling my LIBRARY. UGH.
Fuck start button achievements. Seriously. Go away.
So far, I think there's only been Game Room and the one on The Simpsons Game that have Press Start achievements.
And I agree, even though easy achievements is a nice way for me to boost my Gamerscore, I still like to have a challenge, which is probably why I love Guitar Hero 3.